There is no qualification restriction for translators working for certified translation for the UK but the certificate of authenticity shows how serious you are in your translation abilities. The apostille is a document which verifies the authenticity of the notary publics seal and all the signatures and stamps.
The certified translation in the UK is a translation done by a professional translator and comes with a certificate of accuracy.You however need a translation that is certified. Starting from just 33 & same day delivery. Guaranteed acceptance by official authorities, including the UK Passport Office & Home Office. The average price can be anywhere from 0.14 to 0.18 per word, though it could be more for highly specialized documents, such as legal documents or medical documents. The sworn translator conducts the translation that deemed proper for courts and legal system. We'll translate and certify, notarise or legalise any document for use at most official authorities, including the UK Passport and Home Offices from just 33 and same day delivery. It is hard to give a set price for an official or certified translation, as it can vary based on the nature of the document. The sworn translation is accepted by and is admissible in the High Court of Justice. The certified translations are different from ‘sworn translations’ in the UK.

Certified Translation for the UK basically means a few factors have to be taken into account

The requirements of translation for personal documents is specific for the country you are working with. 10 Things All Germanic Languages Have In Common 1 Certified and notarized birth certificate translation: At Certified Translation Services, provide birth certificate translations for use in UK and abroad in.Professional Dutch to English Audio Translation Service.