Some people are content with just a tent above their heads, but some campsite grounds can be hard and quite uncomfortable to sleep on. There are many different types of tents available that can accommodate a single camper or several family members. And aside from the right clothing and gear, shelter is one of the most important items on your list. Even if you’re one with nature when camping, you still need to protect yourself from the elements. The first word most people associate with camping is a tent. Shelter: Depending on your threshold for ‘roughing it up’, you also wouldn’t want to have an uncomfortable night’s sleep. The items listed below are common camping essentials: Camping is like going on a trip we take what we need and if there’s room, we bring some extra items just in case. Like in most things, we can often compartmentalize our needs and wants, or our essentials and non-essentials. These rules are summarized as: plan ahead and prepare travel and camp on durable surfaces dispose of waste properly leave what you find minimize campfire impacts respect wildlife and lastly, be considerate of other visitors. The National Park Service constantly reminds campers and visitors to strictly adhere to the 7 Leave No Trace Principles. The items on the list may be grouped into different sections depending on the function it serves.
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Make sure to check out our other exciting Excel spreadsheets and free Excel templates. There’s even an example food check list for camping already provided for you.ĭownload this free, printable family camping checklist here. This convenient family camping check list also includes a cooking equipment, food and personal items check list for camping. If you’re traveling in a large pack, you might want to add all the items you’ll need for a third tent to the camping checklist. For example, the camping checklist for equipment includes all of the items you’ll need for two tents. After you have downloaded the check list for camping, you can add new items to each camping checklist as needed. This camping checklist can be modified for your family’s needs. The guys at have used this family camping checklist for years. This is a family camping checklist that is intended to help organize with a multi-day car camping trip.

That’s why we’ve provided you with this family camping checklist from to make sure you don’t forget a single thing on your camping trip. That’s all you’ll need for your family camping trip, right? We know there’s plenty more that you’ll need to do to plan for your family camping trip.